CAN-ACT Progress Report

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Principal Investigator Name
Name of Person Completing Form

Current Reporting Period

All information provided below should reflect progress made during this time period.


Milestones and Deliverables Targeted for Completion in the Reporting Period

State each milestone/deliverable targeted for completion in the reporting period. For each milestone/deliverable, check the Yes or No box to indicate if the milestone/deliverable was achieved. Check Yes under "Add Another Milestone/Deliverable?" to add additional milestones/deliverables.
Add Another Milestone/Deliverable?

Milestones and Deliverables to be Completed in the Next Period

State each milestone/deliverable targeted for completion in the next period. For each milestone/deliverable, check the Yes or No box to indicate if the milestone/deliverable is on target. Check yes under "Add Another Milestone/Deliverable?" to add additional milestones/deliverables.
On Target?
Add Another Milestone/Deliverable?

Milestones/Deliverables Not Achieved or Not on Target

For each milestone not achieved or on target, provide the following information in the Rationale text box below:

  • Why was the milestone/deliverable not achieved (or, why is it not on target)?
  • When will the milestone/deliverable be achieved?
  • Do you have alternative solutions to propose is the milestone/deliverable is not achievable?
  • How will/does this affect the overall progress of the project?

Click Yes under "Add another Rationale?" to add additional milestones/deliverables.

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